21 Ways To Surprise Your Boyfriend

Games In Love
6 min readJun 12, 2021

21 ways to surprise your boyfriend, if you recently either started dating someone or have you been dating them for a while sometimes we run out of ideas.

Men and women communicate differently and since communication is such a large piece of the puzzle in any relationship it’s imperative to learn each other’s language. While having good intentions is fantastic, what really matters is the impact that our words and actions have on the person.

Men often show how they love someone they will often feel it more deeply when you do the same in return.

Surprises for him

1) Leaving Sticky Notes, Way to surprise your boyfriend is to have sticky notes either on top of his clothes that he’s gonna wear, on the mirror, and his car. You can write the reasons why you love him or something else in a heart-shaped, he’s gonna be so happy.

You can either just say,

=> I can’t wait to see you, I love you or thank you to be with me.

2) A surprise visit, You get out of work early, you might have some free time then why not surprise them at home usually. When you got comfortable dating him you start doing the surprises.

3) Food, It’s nice seeing your boyfriend after a long day so surprise them with food if you’re already planning on hanging out with him then why not stop at the restaurant and get him some food and make his day knowing that you thought about him.

Surprise him with little things like,

Surprises Boyfriend

4) Breakfast in bed, if you’re a good cook, and if he is foody then why not surprise them with some eggs, pancakes, or whichever his favorite food.

5) Sometimes they need to feel spoiled especially if they work if they’ve had a long day or a long week of work, so send him a loving text like,

=> I’m thankful for having you

=> Have a great at work

=> How’s your day going

=> I can’t wait to see you

Note — These things make him think of you and he’ll be happy that you were thinking about him.

6) If you’re in a long-distance relationship you can fly to them and surprise them but if you’re not, you can just surprise them with plane tickets and go with them on a trip.

7) Decorate your bedroom with their memories, decorate your bedroom with all your memories he will be happy after seeing all your efforts.

Surprise for my boyfriend

8) Send him an email, it does not have to be a long email it can just be something sweet and short but imagine the feeling of having your name pop up in his email inbox rather than on social media, email is something else, he’s gonna get butterflies.

9) If you live with him you can surprise him by doing things which he enjoys and loves to do or if you’re in a long-distance relationship you can just click a picture and share it with him.

Advice — If you’re in a long-distance relationship, your boyfriend comes to visit you, you can always decorate your room in the most romantic possible way with candles, petals, or something very romantic just to set the mood.

10) Surprise him by online delivery and order flowers for him, chocolates, or even food and just get it delivered at his house or his office he’s gonna be so happy and feel appreciated knowing the fact that it comes from you.

Another way to surprise for boyfriend,

11) Especially if it’s long-distance is to involve his best friends or siblings in the surprise. For example, it is a surprise to receive a letter from his significant other but imagine instead of mailing it to him you mail it to his best friend.

It’s his best friend giving him the letter when they meet up, he’s gonna be so much surprised, so happy and this will make the surprise even more special and even better.

12) Dress up for a video call, if you would go on a date you will dress up for him so why should it be any different on a video call. You might even surprise him because if he calls you at night, he might be expecting you in your night suit.

But imagine him seeing you in a nice dress with makeup done, it’s gonna make him so happy and keep the spark alive.

What you can also do to surprise your boyfriend or how to surprise boyfriend.

13) Send him a care package, if he loves coffee you can send him a care package of coffee from different brands. If he loves movies or games you can just send him a movie kit, games kit, or anything which is likes, along with the snacks and drinks.

Just anything that will bring a smile to his face which will make him think that you always think about him.

14) Another idea for the surprise is by emailing him a love letter a long one with all the details and a very romantic one with all your feelings, it also makes your love connection stronger.

15) Compliment him, this may seem really basic and it may surprise a lot of women. When it comes to somebody that we truly care about now regardless of how confident a man comes across acknowledging him with genuine adoration will make him feel appreciated and surprised.

Further ways to surprise lover,

16) Wear the outfit that he loves, if a man sees you in something that you already know he loves, he will know that you are putting an effort to look good for him specifically.

17) Pay for dates, a man should always pay for dates not necessarily just the first date but also ongoing however if your guy is always treating you to nice dinners or vacation and if you slip your card to the waiter without him noticing he’s not going to hate, it’s a nice surprise for him and he will appreciate you.

Note — A good man will always be willing to give to you without asking for anything in return but this doesn’t mean that a woman shouldn’t take small steps to show that what he does makes an impact on her life.

Further surprise ideas for boyfriends,

18) A surprise gift, it would be a new pair of shoes if your guy loves shoes then why not buy him a new pair of shoes and surprised him or with whatever he likes.

19) Affectionate with him, as simple as this one is it’s really often overlooked small things like hand-holding, walking arm-in-arm, or resting your head on his shoulder or chest if you’re lying down, these things make him feel like he’s one with you and feels surprised.

20) Give him long hugs when he’s not expecting, men often communicate physically that’s what guys like. This provides women with a great opportunity to be close to him physically and also sent them a very important message of love that he wants to hear.

21) Include them where you can, don’t let him feel unwanted. If you get busy, time is the most valuable asset any of us have because we can’t get it back after we spend it. It’s also the most important gift that you can give to him in love again.

Advice — Do something that he loves, even though you’re not a big fan of things that he likes, give it a try once in a while he will appreciate it because he knows that you’re putting effort into it. Surprise him but support him as well, always make sure he knows you’re there for him when he needed.

These 21 ways to surprise your boyfriend may help you in your relationship building. Just try these and share your experience at Games in love.



Games In Love

Games in love a place based on multiple types of games about the love between define relationship,unconditional love, heartbreak, Marriages, love advise.