4 Example of Break up Text Which Gives Relationship Red Flags

Games In Love
7 min readOct 15, 2020

We all want importance especially from someone you loved once but when they broke up with us it’s really feel heavy-hearted. Moreover, when you are more involved in the love connection. After break up, your mind still wants to talk to him/her but due to some reasons, you stop yourself by doing this. What you will do then…

  • Reading your “ex text messages”. Yeah, have you ever think about it…


How it feels, afresh the love feeling again don’t you think…

Yeah, we hung out have fun but did I want to be in a long-distance relationship with you afterward no, that should be okay.

I try to call him, he refused to talk to me on the phone do you have any breakup text actually?

I don’t, I was talking to my friend and in between the conversation this topic arises which gave me an idea to write an article on “ex text messages”. We will discuss how some of you read your ex texts still, some of you love it or list it.

Some of the Ex- text messages

1) Steffen circumstances, fairness for Sophia
Honestly, telling you I get rid of my demons breakup text, I deleted them all, until he did them, I prefer to do that making love stuff in person or at least on a facetime, not through text.

oh I have the text let’s do that shit It was fun I love it but maybe I should let you focus on dance school. She said okay haha…I said mean if you really need time. I don’t want you to get bored of me faster. she replied I get bored faster…

oh no she said OMG how come!! when you love someone and they texted like this way it’s devastated. I’m like okay then we ended it there. From thereafter I just feel better, it was the most invested I had ever been in the relationship. We already said I love you baby to each other.

Suddenly I got a message from her that she’s been breaking up with me, I got stunned for a moment that I’ll never love again but about everything my first priority is my dance academy yes I m being totally honest.

She texted me at breaking up with me if I’m sincere I’ve had a lot of time to think about everything for Games in love but I really only have time to focus on my profession.

I don’t think our personalities click super great at this love making time in my life even though you’re absolutely wonderful. I feel like my only compatible personality right now.

2) Devin’s Ex Message

I’m sorry for the potential stress as well as frustration I’ve caused you in relationship karma. I hope you can forgive me.

3) Adam’s Ex Messages

I’m super upset at life right now but I understand and respect your priorities. Why you’re doing this kind of wish? we could talk about this in person at some point for games in love. I have some questions if that’s okay. Hope you’re doing great, send us a kissy kiss in love drawings then we had exchanged for maybe a month. where I kept being like can we meet??

She would be like, yeah sure!! this week, then she’d be like actually I’m busy maybe next week. I was really disappointed because I thought at least owe me like an apology or something in person.

I thought what we had was a little more real than that, yeah!! so if gonna hit the fan, her car got towed. she needed 700 hundred bucks. I’ll enter the $700 then on December 24th, 2017, I said good morning at 9:05 no response! hey, baby at 01:30 no response again!
11:30 p.m. I said good night even then I didn’t receive any types of love text from 24th.

The exchanges of this hey! hey! hey!! you smiley face because I’m cool listen I’ll pay you back as soon as I can but I can’t be in a relationship with you it wastes too hard on my conscious that I’m not a good partner. I’m sorry to do this new black love text, I don’t have that energy for more right now. You’re free…

Be happy and love someone normally. A couple of months later I didn’t get a text from her but I got a message from her email on my phone and it’s her it’s like, love pop cards.

Hey Adam, I hope you’re doing well also just let you know I should be able to pay back next month, sorry about the forever wait. I’ve never, I have, I’ve still never seen the money she liked to leave me off that was like three years ago, look I saw your phone while waiting for you. I saw her as your screensaver I don’t know what’s going on anymore but I think I have a good idea at this point of course, what are you talking about.

I want to know why she’s your screensaver?? There’s a 30-minute blank no response but he leaves me on red so I’m like okay. I know he’s thinking of a lie, I know he’s thinking of something to tell me, that’s how you give love a bad name, this is what he comes up with it’s an application. I found that changed his screensavers like a slideshow, I have so many pictures. I couldn’t choose one come on. I wouldn’t do like that, I’m like, I knew at that moment all the red flags were, in fact, red flags this love relationship needed to be done. He kind of attacks me, he’s like!!

“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

Mark Twain

But believe what she wants so I said in like three question marks, like whoa then he ends the conversation. He goes like I said to believe what you want it’s an app. Sorry she was the screen saver when you looked but you know I love you, wouldn’t do you?

It hurts to think that you think it’s like that. I’ll talk to you later, he put a period in the end. So he was being very stern because that’s not how he talks or types. I knew that he blames it on me for believing what was the truth.

Thus, that’s kind of how it went..

4) Maria’s Ex messages

He’s still with the girl for the games in love though he reaches out to me sometimes, he stalks my social media profile so I said there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you but it’s something that should be said in person are you doing anything on Sunday, then I said which or would you rather not see me??

Do you know what he said???

He said I really don’t want to see you.

I’m sorry, I said to understand it’s a lot. He said just tell me shit or don’t tell me at all. I said okay let me type it up. He’s it’s okay don’t tell me at all goodbye, Maria, I said it’s something I need to say but I’m gonna tell you just give me a few minutes…

He said dude really Maria this is ridiculous. I’m like trying to type it up but I kind of learned like it just has to be short and sweet love. It can’t be me saying like I’m in pain or I’m going through this. so I said long story in short. Since you don’t want the full story is Ummm… I was having a miscarriage a week ago, we broke up. I didn’t know until last Friday how can I believe this happened to me.

He said hmm, Maria I’m really sorry about that I said I’m probably, I probably should have kept that to myself. He said no, it’s okay I’m gonna go to sleep though said that hurts because I thought that love never fails. I didn’t even know that I was pregnant beforehand it was a tough time for me so I wanted to reach out to him. However, I don’t know, oh… I thought he would care, why I wanted him to do so as we weren’t together but due to the current scenario my brain generating these feeling a lot like love, oh god!!

It’s hard to move on when there’s that constant reminder of what could have been. What I went through, so I’m feeling hopeless but it’s down with love… it’s really hard sometimes.

All these love life feelings would memorize of games in love once you saw your previous ex text messages which drive you to the sweet and sour old times. Some of the moments were great and some were not. But let me tell you all those days would never ever come again.

So it’s better not to hurt yourself. Moreover, start loving your life with a new relationship with that person who’s looking for love, who understand your feelings, respect you as well as have time for you. You also have to participate equally to maintain your love stories.

These ex messages make you recall your love in sadness but also make you learn from your previous relationship mistakes.



Games In Love

Games in love a place based on multiple types of games about the love between define relationship,unconditional love, heartbreak, Marriages, love advise.