Awkward Questions To Ask A Girl

Games In Love
5 min readJan 22, 2021

Asking questions play a remarkable role to begin a conversation with a girl since one may lead to another. Have you ever imagine a girl feel comfortable or uncomfortable with your questions, what are those Awkward Questions to Ask a girl, it’s her choice to reply to you or not.

Awkward Questions to ask a girl, the first one is,

Why do girls wear makeup?

I can’t suffer every single true girl but the reason why I wear makeup one like it started off just as a hobby, I would when I was like nine, I lose my father’s, me and then I feel like guys are expecting talent so I’m insecure because that’s not the case I mean I haven’t security is obviously but I don’t want makeup because of that reason I wear it.

I genuinely find it fun and sometimes I put on everyday makeup looks even if I’m not going out just because

=> I enjoy the process

=> I find it relaxing

Do you guys relay enjoying wearing makeup just comment below your views?

Awkward Questions to ask a girl, second one

Why do girls always go to the washroom together?

It’s a thing, sometimes it’s like if you want to talk or you wanna really always. I need to go to the bathroom are you gonna come with me it’s like

a) You just don’t want to go on your own, you just go with them,

then don’t use the bathroom and used to talking there just like a house awkward conversations.

You’re like at school literally girls are good in the bathroom, oh god it’s just a golf thing there’s no reason behind “it’s girl code” you go to the bathroom together never leave a sign this it’s as you grow up it just happens you know what I mean…

One-time hookup because if that’s what you’re using it for.

Well this is awkward but interesting,

If you’re actually getting with someone to be in a relationship, particularly most girls are…

I mean if you’re trying to actually be in a relationship with someone then there are so many other things that way matter, more important as long as you’re not awful cuz there are some guys that like as long as how to use it.

Awkward Questions to ask a girl, Third one

Why are girls so concerned with their looks or with their appearance?

Maybe they just prioritize looking nice and being presentable, I feel like I don’t obsess over I have no problem with going out,

=> Sweatpants
=> No makeup and
=> Looking like actual trash

I don’t want to do that from going on a date though if I’m is that obviously no I prioritize like,

=> I have to look nice and presentable good

If I’m going on a date or if I’m doing something nice like that’s just simple respect for other people around me but I literally don’t care.

How I look in front of my friends or it’s not like oh my goodness I have to constantly wear makeup on. I will go days without makeup like weeks but sometimes it’s just fun to dress up in the glow cause looking good sometimes smoking by like a reflection in the store looks fine to me.

There’s so much pressure on girls looks,

Awkward Questions to ask a girl, Fourth one

Why do girls get their bodies done?

Means surgery, difficult to ask but, I’ve never had, I can’t believe hear of guys getting plastic surgery really it’s just girls. I get plastic surgery silly it is honestly insecurities, what if you’re not insecure about it.

=>They don’t like the way they look maybe they want to twist some things.

Everything not wanting to work out or something so you just get it.

We’re not wanting to do something that’s just laziness, I feel if you don’t want to work out to go and get to go or get a certain body thing, for example, things that you genuinely can’t change.

“Like lips or Nose”,
I feel that’s genuine insecurities but this needs to be sorted out more after yourself. You need some things that why would you feel the need to live up to these beauty standards. Don’t get offended.

Awkward Questions to ask a girl, Fifth one

Why do girls want guys who cheat them lay waste?

They’re not attracted to it, they’re attracted to the idea. what they like I think is that,

a) Oh like he treats me bad but he still wants me, their mindsets really messed up they need help. I’m not saying that in an offensive way, genuinely you need help because I needed help when I had that mess of mindset, I had a really toxic boyfriend, he treated me like trash for a long time.

I stayed and guys probably wonder like why would you do that so all my friends wonder,

What you do that when you’re in the situation?

Awkward but true…

Coz you just think oh I can make this work, I’ll be the one to change them, I’ll be the one to make them care, like not treat me awful. They’ll change…

But they don’t, finally, I realized no, it’s useless. They want to change exactly they’ll be the ones who change themselves.

Remember, you can’t change them, don’t let this distract you from the fact that it’s not your responsibility.

Advice — To turn your responsibility is to walk on yourself and their responsibilities to work on them. It’s not your responsibility to work on them you can help them along you can support them.

Awkward Questions to ask a girl, Sixth one

Have you ever intimate with someone on a first date?

That’s too personal, one of my friends dealt with the same and repulsed at the moment coz you might not be prepared for this kind of question somewhere. But people do ask awkward stories, have you ever experienced this way just share your opinions in the comment section.

Special Advice — Make your girl feel special & best, try to explain to her why she’s best, make an effort to change her point of view with love, she would change for you and you both become an ideal match of each other.

I hope you become familiar with the Awkward Questions to ask a girl while dealing with your one, share your experiences, and view at Games in love. Have you ever face these awkward questions? Just write in the below comment box.



Games In Love

Games in love a place based on multiple types of games about the love between define relationship,unconditional love, heartbreak, Marriages, love advise.