Reasons Not To Get Married

Games In Love
5 min readDec 20, 2021

For the wrong reasons and mindset, people have gotten into marriage, clouding their minds with shallow reasons, leaving untouched the essential problems why should not marry in the first place. Reasons not to get married, Below are reasons not to get married. Read along and be blessed.

Don t want to get married

1) Out of love, you do not marry. People married out of love but later found out that it was not all gold that glitters. People’s attractiveness or ugliness is not to be calculated from without, but from what problems are inside them. It is to measure the substance of a person above his or her jar.

2) Out of compassion or pity, you do not marry. It is a wrong decision to feel guilty or sympathy for some cause about the misfortunes of others and to wish to marry them as a consolation. There’s a Jill for every single Jack. God is able to send them a helping hand that satisfies their condition. He gives the blind a guide, the feeble a nurse, and the broken heart a comforter.

Why you shouldn t get married

3) Do not be tampered with by matchmaking. No one knows that your God loves you, and his timing and choice are the best for you. Your disposition, power, and weakness, he learns. God knows the support he has created to fulfill your requirements. Indeed, no one, like the maker, knows the commodity. The option that we make must include God.

4) In order to marry, you must not be coerced by peers and family, pressure comes. The pain and heartbreaks their loved ones endure in marriage cannot be completely quantified in this community, they can only imagine. Imaginations in a dysfunctional relationship are not good enough to fix wrongs. They’re going to desert you when the issues become overwhelming.

Why you shouldn’t get married

5) Do not prophesy against marriage. Your affirmation is subject to some prophecy. You are not to blame for what God did not tell you. God is not an admirer of any man. He is capable of asking you what everyone else said about you. Learn to listen to your own Deity.

6) You’re not supposed to hurry into marriage. Offer it a while. Time unlocks secrets, time is a wound healer, and your decision will be convinced by time.

Reason to not get married

7) You are not persuaded. Marriage is a life-long adventure. Beyond all questions, you need to be persuaded that you are able to go the mile. You have to know that a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage in order to spare yourself the heartache. Take time to be persuaded to do your checks.

8) He or she has no respect for you. I also mean not valuing your self-worth with respect. Such a partnership has a propensity to misuse and threaten your rights, freedoms, and relatives’ rights. You don’t have any business with someone that you can’t or don’t respect.

Reasons to not get married

9) He or she does not hold the values of your faith. The middle and the pivot around which your whole life revolves is your religious faith. In a turbulent world, deciding to marry some individuals with a divergent view is finding calmness. Except that they agree on key topics such as their religion and values, two individuals will not walk together.

10) Issues about identification. By our looks, vocation, character, and associations, we are marked. To see if you want to be associated with this person in years to come, you must be able to have the foresight to look into the future. When the two of you become one, marriage gives you identity.

Why you should never get married

11) Why you shouldnt get married, no one will ask me to marry him or her any better, This kind of thought indicates that you don’t care about yourself too much. People who think this way are not confident enough about themselves to hold their own in marriage, and when they discover their true selves, they are usually unhappy. It is a good idea to delay your wedding or cancel it. Some decent therapy, too, can assist.

12) No one will ask me to marry him or her any better, this kind of thought indicates that you don’t care about yourself too much. People who think this way are not confident enough about themselves to hold their own in marriage, and when they discover their true selves, they are usually unhappy. It is a good idea to delay your wedding or cancel it. Some decent therapy, too, can assist.

Not getting married

13) You and your wife have important things that you avoid talking about because your relationship may be disturbed. For example — children, money management, home, and child obligation division, whether to retain both professions, children’s religious identity in an interfaith marriage. Before marriage, you need to freely talk about all important issues.

The wedding ceremony itself would not erase the difficulties or the repercussions of your differences. If these concerns sound too threatening to deal with alone, consider enlisting the aid of a priest, minister, or counselor.

Note — Marriage just seems like the logical next move. This happens to couples who live together often. Not because they have thoroughly discussed the notion of a lifelong relationship and openly want one for themselves, but because getting married is the next thing to do, they slide into marriage.

Or they slide into marriage to repair a relationship that limps along, assuming that getting the stamp of approval of their families or church will fix their relationship. Slow down and think more closely about what marriage is, if this describes your relationship, why you shouldn’t marry.

I’m sure they can act as a guide for someone out there who enters into a relationship or plans to move his or her relationship to the next level, marriage. Please make a checklist and let God give you peace.

Not wanting to get married, this probably applies more to people with mostly single friends, as a husband or wife fills that role, many people feel strains in their friendships after they get married. It can lead to the neglect of other people in their lives if someone spends every waking hour with their spouse.

Everyone wants to get married someday, but if marriage is worth it, you just need to know. False choices and motives lead to wrong marital destinations at all times. Since marriage is an endless institution, understanding that one must not enter it carelessly makes a lot of sense when not to get married.

Out of desire, sympathy, coercion, pressure and so many other causes, people marry, pointing them out of the relationship they might have found themselves in. In matters like this that can either prolong the life of a man or lead to an early death, caution is very imperative.

These are the reasons not to get married, share your reasons at Games in love that why you shouldn t get married.



Games In Love

Games in love a place based on multiple types of games about the love between define relationship,unconditional love, heartbreak, Marriages, love advise.