The 7 Best Things About Dear Best Friend

Games In Love
6 min readNov 21, 2021

Having a best friend adds so many wonderful experiences to our lives. The 7 Best Things About Dear Best Friend

When you have such a close friendship with someone, you do things for each other because they are so special and important to you. Friends can make our lives much better and add to our psychological health, physical health, and emotional health.

So, here are seven things dear best friends do for each other.

True best Friends

1. A true best friend makes the bad times a little better, have you ever gone through something really sad, frustrating, or embarrassing?

Was your best friend there to help you?

Did they make it a little more bearable experience?

Research shows that simply having your true bestfriends, there with you when you go through a tough time can have a positive effect on your brain.

It turns out, best friends can buffer the effects of a negative experience by preventing a huge increase in stress and a decrease in self-worth. Just by being there, showing support, you can help them overcome the experience in a tremendous way.

2. A real best friend is real with each other, don’t you feel most comfortable turning to your best friend when you want an honest opinion?

They’ll be honest with you, even when it might be a hard truth to swallow. Often we can confuse loving each other all the time with being in agreement.

In actuality, true support means that you care about them enough to stand up for them. You have their best interest at heart, and make sure to tell them what you really think when they ask for your opinion.

3. A true best friend knows when to take a step back, even though best friends are typically not afraid, to be honest, they also know when it might not be their place to offer an opinion.

According to a psychology therapist, today honesty in a friendship is key, but the truth should come out when it is warranted or voluntary.

Best friends don’t constantly criticize each other out of the blue, nor do they typically push each other to share things they don’t want to. If you don’t want to talk about it, your best friend would respect your boundaries and step back.

4. You mutually encourage each other’s personal growth, Do you bring out the best in each other? Do you encourage each other to try new things?

The support that best friends can provide is unconditional and comforting. That level of support alone is enough to help you take chances you wouldn’t normally take, try new things, believe in yourself, and explore who you are as an individual.

It’s difficult to move out of your comfort zone because it has so many uncertainties, but best friends will help was your mind, and you want to push each other to be your best selves.

One of my best friends

5. You make each other happy, Have you felt happier since meeting your best friend?

A study shows that especially during teenage years, having strong, close friendships can not only increase your self-worth but can also help decrease signs of depression and anxiety as you move into young adulthood.

This means that best friends can quite literally make each other happier and more self-confident.

6. When no one is looking, you should still be able to count on your best friend to have your back, whether you are or not around to see it.

Best friends have a lot of trust in each other, and a lot of that comes from the confidence that they would never betray you. When it comes to gossip, a best friend would not only stop rumors but also defend you from all the potential lies being spread about you.

A best friend would be hesitant to speak poorly about you, and would not want to discredit your name.

7. You stay loyal to each other, are you and your best friend loyal to each other? The root of loyalty lies in showing up when you are needed, be it physically or emotionally. Best friends show their loyalty by being there for you through the good times and the bad.

They are there to comfort you through your lows and celebrate your highs. You check in on each other routinely or step in to help when the other needs it.

Especially dear best friend do for each other,

=> You give each other a second chance, Have you and your best friend ever gotten into a fight? Did they cross one of your boundaries, or unintentionally upset you?

Everyone makes mistakes and even best friends can have fights and disagreements. It is important to consider the viewpoints of each other and to work towards mending any fences in the relationship.

Beneficial reasons why friends can make us better

a) People all around and one of the reasons that friendships are so beneficial to our health is they make us healthier so you can run, you can do exercise all day long but if you don’t have social ties locked in there you’re not gonna feel as good because they say people that are at that have closed social bonds they tend to have, they tend to be stronger and more robust.

People mean that they can ward off any infections or colds they have stronger immune systems, healthier hearts, and reduce the risk of stroke so it’s just one crucial benefit of having friends.

=> Good people around you help inspire you that are positive people in your life who encourage you and want the best for you.

What is a true best friend

b) Friends are a great distraction, they can really help keep you in line, sometimes in life, we need reality checks and sometimes you could be engaging in behaviors that really aren’t so good for us.

And hopefully, if you have good positive friends around you, they’ll be able to kind of nudge you a little bit and call you out on some of these behaviors not in a bad way, in a way that’s coming from a place of care and concern so good friends also challenge you absolutely.

c) Vacations with friends are definitely good, it’s also good for your brain, funny enough to have those close social ties. Even if you spend time with your friend for 9 to 10 minutes it can improve your cognitive functioning and your ability to solve problems.

d) Best friendships or friends also can help you really achieve your goals, so if you spend time with people that are like-minded and are goal-oriented and positive.

More likely or not you’re gonna be around all that goodness and then you’re gonna start to actually have those types of goals for yourself and you are gonna start to mimic some of those same behaviors, it’s like healthy competition.

Thank you for being my best friend

There are of course times where you may feel it’s best to end the friendship. But remember to be empathic with your best friend, genuinely apologize, be responsible for your actions, and work together to strengthen your relationship when this is not the case.

Special Advice — Thank your dear best friend for being in your life, that inspires you and encourages you every day.

These are some of the 7 best things about dear best friend do for each other. Did anything remind you of your best friend? Let us know in the below comment section at Games in love.



Games In Love

Games in love a place based on multiple types of games about the love between define relationship,unconditional love, heartbreak, Marriages, love advise.